Hey there

In September of 2023 I lost one of my dogs, and Jerry’s death pulled the rug right from underneath my feet. At that time I was not dedicating my time and energy to the dreams and ambitions I used to share with her when we cuddled together. As a promise to her, I wrote the following: “I learned with you what I sacrificed in the name of my fears was never worth the trade. You showed me what gives me meaning is a compass to truth. I want to live by the sun and soak under the moonlight for a tomorrow where I will find you, my cloud of grace, in every choice I make.”
I’ve been trying my best to honor this promise ever since.

Writing has always been a passion

But I’ve always told myself this tale as old as time that I struggle with words; with expressing myself.

Whether that’s true or not doesn’t matter. What actually matters is that in order to become better at something you ought to do it.

  • Gosh, I am always writing a novel! I currently have 3 promising projects I’ve been working on that I personally love, though one of them I’m most excited about and it’s a young adult action-adventure fantasy series set in a world I’ve been building since 2018!

  • My biggest inspirations (and names who’ve shaped me as a writer) are definitely:

    A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin

    The Lord of the Rings series by J. R. R. Tolkien

    Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling

    The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

    And anything by Yasunari Kawabata

  • Who would Gabie be without anime and manga is the real question!
    More than books, this is definitely the media I’ve consumed the most in my thirty years of existence. I’m supported by a backbone of Japanese values and in the absence of a mentor in my childhood, I found my teachings with Oda, Kishimoto, Kubo, Takeuchi, amongst many others.
    But if I had to choose the titles that have impacted me the most those would be: One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Glass Mask and Gakuen Alice.

