Branding Strategy: How I use values to build trust and create an authentic connection

If someone asked me what is necessary to gain someone's trust, I'd say first you need to be consistent, coherent and clear. The same can be said about a brand.


I believe that consistency, coherence, and clarity are the fundamentals of a branding strategy. But to develop these qualities you'll need a deeper understanding of purpose (your product/service), how you want to achieve it (your process) and why you do what you do (your values).

A brand that is built merely upon aesthetics, sales, or just the end product has a short life-span and is easily substituted by the next novelty on the block. But in the end, won't people just flock to whatever catches their attention? Well, some do. But I'd like to speak on behalf of humanity and say we have an incredible sense of loyalty with what or whom we deem worthy of our trust.

You know how you always buy the same toothpaste? Or how you follow certain people on social media for years? I know I do! The other day I realized that I've been actively following some creators for as long as ten years. You remain with these brands and people because you know they deliver. They have your trust.

According to Harvard Business Professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of human cognition (thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving) happens in the subconscious mind. So we could say that statistically speaking 95% of our purchasing decisions are made via processes of which we're not aware and which don't fit into neat, rational-linguistic boxes.

This is one of the reasons certain marketing professionals get known as blood-sucking, money-driven vampires: they tap into subconscious insecurities and desires to deliver campaigns (by using specific celebrities, influencers or lifestyles) that get sold-out in mere 24hrs. Many of these products or services are not good or durable quality.

So what are we even doing here? Oh yeah, we're trying to be honest, empathic and ethical. Insert nervous laugh. Jokes aside, people are people and they will be people-ing until humanity breathes its last. The point of this little article is to speak to you. Yes, the you who is entrepreneuring in this crazy, wild, wild world, hustling to provide something that will have a net positive impact in people's lives. Whether you've been at it for years, or are just starting out, you're coming from a place of effort, knowledge and many trials.

I'm here to tell you, your unique experience is incredible and it should be used to your advantage. But experience alone is not a profound basis enough for a marketing strategy. The human imprint of your product/service proposition is what will make you stand out amidst all the chatter.

Do you feel confused by your brand's lack of growth, despite all the work you do?

Find your thoughts disorganized, not able to make sense of your ideas?

Constantly and compulsively wanting to change your visuals?

People seem to like what you do, but they don't really buy?

Feel like you're just not reaching the right people?

Most people who reach out to me have no idea that their main struggles when it comes to their website and/or social media (note: social media is just another marketing tool) are due to an incoherent or absent branding strategy.

This isn't only about color palette, typography or logo. It's a much deeper misalignment of core values, goals, and intentions. Your brand's identity is around 20% of your brand, the remaining 80% is your brand strategy. A strong foundational strategy is what will guide and produce your visuals so that they are in alignment with your brand's D.N.A (core values). These values are what will create a truly authentic connection with your audience and establish a long-term relationship of built trust.

So when people hire me to help with their businesses, I first embark on an archeological expedition into the Life Tales of their personal journey.

First we understand you so we can get to why; by then we can reach who; and last but not least we reach how.

All this said, I've decided to share a little bit of my process with you so it might help you on your journey! By subscribing to my email list you'll get access to my Branding Strategy Workbook, a system of questions and assignments I've refined for clients who start working together with me. There are no right or wrong answers, there are only your answers. When I'm working with my clients some tasks become research done on my part while others can only be answered by the client themselves.

Do you remember that stormtrooper that tried to kill Obi Wan in The Clone Wars? Yeah, neither do I. Because stormtroopers had no names. It wouldn't matter which one answered the call for a job because they all did the same C- job. And if one bit the dust, you can bet another peon with the same suit and same helmet was waiting in line to jump in. But now everyone remembers Finn, the stormtrooper from The Force Awakens. He took off his helmet, acted upon his values and decided to write his own story.

Branding is a unique and individual process that will help you distinguish yourself not only in front of your audience, but in front of yourself as well.


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The Spring Bird Calls